DEFINING a New Normal
Pura Vida Cow
o Almond butter is a luxury
o Jam, too
o Helmets on motorbikes are the law, but still optional
o If you are in a traffic jam, it is one of two things—someone has stopped to talk to a friend on the side of the road or there are cows crossing
o If there are crumbs on your kitchen countertop, look again. They are ants.
o If you go to the mechanic for an oil change and a new set of brakes, they may forget to change the brakes.
o If the thermometer in the car says 36°, it’s correct.
o Thunder can screech
o The power may be out for hours today
o Just because a there is a beach, doesn’t mean there is a passable road to get there
o Between 5pm and 8pm mosquitoes and sandflies will have you for dinner
o The difference between a Canadian dollar and a US dollar can put a dent in your plans
o Rain can drown out the voices on the television
o There might be 4.9 earthquake five km off the coast outside your window this morning, but you won’t feel it
o Applying sunscreen to children before school takes longer than getting into a snowsuit
o The world is before me, like never before
Quote for the day
“Make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life.”
-Bertrand Russell
I love this thought…of somehow putting eternal trust in the universe. What that looks means, I don’t have a clue, but I imagine it to feel like not only buying a bracelet from the local lady on the beach, but sitting to have a conversation with her, learning her name, and then embracing her when we part ways.
I imagine it to look like consciously using less plastic. I imagine it to be about embracing scattered thoughts that don’t construct the perfect story, but capture a moment I will never forget. I want it to be about accepting the fragility of human life at the scene of an accident, and accepting it might be me one day. I imagine it is about growing used to doing dishes amidst a highway of ants every evening after dinner. And that everything I set out to learn this year will never fit into 365 days.